If you are hesitant to buy, please read. If you are a face taper, please read. True story. Is this you?! Have you experienced the hassle with lash pads? Did you ever think as a lash artist you would have constant issues with the under eye gel pads? Personally, I never thought it would be such an important part of LASHING! It can make or break the appointment, or at least add to the already tedious and sometimes difficult process. Have you ordered gel pads from many different places and still feel like they all suck some way or another? Are you that artist that gets excited to receive your 20th order of new pads, only to realize that they are not what you expected? Are you that artist that tapes down those non sticky, wrong shape, thin lash pads with a ton of tape like you’re performing a ritual that takes forever before you can even BEGIN lashing?! We shouldn’t have to waste longer than a minute on taping lashes down in an appointment! It’s like we have to prepare the canvas with extra canvas to paint on. We’re not preparing for surgery either for goodness sake…
So, you are patiently waiting for your (20th) new order of gel pads to be delivered and you’re currently using the last of the 100 pairs you bought on Amazon that you thought would be cool. You think to yourself, well they look good with good reviews, they’re cheap or decent price and I get 100 of them! “I’m going to try them…” You’re halfway through the pack(maybe) when you realize they kinda suck and annoy you more with each use. You order another pack, different brand expecting better results. Nope, wrong again. Dang it why can’t I find a nice gel pad that sticks and stays! How many packs have I tried now and keep getting disappointed?! You think to yourself, well I have all of these half assed pads, I may as well use them even though they irritate me everyday…So you resort to taping! You start the taping process..dun dun dun… You get one pad on just right and then the other, and then the first one is already lifting and popping off like it has no business being there in the first place. You get the tape out—your proud little tape—your saving grace. If you’re fancy you buy the single measured size that you only have to cut once it fit. If you’re like me, you use the paper tape and rip it down the middle to suite your size accordingly. You place a piece on the outer corner to hold it down on the cheekbone. Then a piece for the inner corner on the sides of the nose. Maybe you add tape across the bridge of the nose. Thats gotta hold these pads down! Such a cute look! Where else can you tape?! Oh you can do a criss cross right under the lash line to tape down those bottom lash creepers. Yes! Lookin solid. Well, now the bottom pad is kind of lifting and the middle is puffing up where is isn’t sticking to the skin..TAPE, MORE TAPE! F it, I’m going to use 5 pieces of tape all along the bottom. The cheeks will be the anchor. These gel pads are going no where when I’m done with them. Ahhhh, the taping of the pads is done. It only took 5 minutes, jeez..
If you really look at it, this seems slightly more ridiculous than the time it has wasted on adjusting them, not to mention the money spent on them. Plus, now you have to order more darn tape. So…the madness continues. If you’re good at this it can take 5 minutes, if not 8. Either way, it is TOO LONG! Get em on and get on with it. We are here to lash, people! Not make a mummy of their eyes, or face! Do yourself a favor and invest in some good lash pads! You are doing a disservice to yourself in many ways and also to your clients face that gets taped on, and then endure pulling it all off too.. eeek. If they have sensitive skin or fine hairs, watch out! You owe it to yourself to break up with the tape, and try a different approach. There is a better option.